With us, you will learn French speaking it, not filling the blanks in a textbook.

Indeed, since the 2010s, we have developed a craftsmanship in this fundamental aspect of language development: growing our students’ abilities to speak French with ease and confidence. Because this approach is based on a constant attention to the cognitive and social factors that shape language acquisition, we called it “Socio-cognitive Teaching”. It aims to develop genuine social interactions to ensure a strong cognitive involvement and focuses on the learners needs, skills and learning profiles.

Once we will have assessed your needs and level, we will design a custom plan that includes a grammatical and lexical progression suited to your needs and goals. Each lesson will be set accordingly and organised around a certain number of task-based sequences that are natural and lively.

For more details, please read the “want to know more” section here below and our F.A.Q. page.